Thursday, April 28, 2016

Does Technology Help or Hinder our Education?

The article referenced below talks about issues regarding technology in education. It specifically tries to address how technology can improve student learning, or to also show that it does not. The article basically recommends the "flipped classroom" setting, in which students learn the content of a lesson at home and then come back to learn more about it in the classroom. Students learn more effectively by becoming actively engaged, and following a flipped classroom setting allows more in-class time for activity and engagement. The article also goes on stating that technology should be used as a tool to get away from strict math and language skills and focus on creative skills as well. Yet there are issues with implementing technology worldwide. There are countries where internet is not everywhere, and it would be difficult to implement the same quality of lessons produced by technologies than it would in countries such as the U.S, where we can find internet on just about every corner of our streets. The primary goals one way or another should be the improvement of primary and secondary education.

This article was short but sweet. It talks about how flipped classrooms and technology are the best way to go when it comes to running a virtual classroom nowadays. But if it can not be done right, then in my opinion it should not be done at all! If you do not have up-to-date technology, or slow internet, or students with no access to materials at home, then the technological classroom should not be implemented. Our main focus should be the students, not the methods. As teachers, we are professionals and we should be expected to adapt to teaching situations as much as we would expect a customer service representative to know how to deal with and handle all sorts of various situations. Teachers need to remember that, while technology can be an extremely effective tool, it is NOT always the best option!

What do you think? How will you implement technology in your classroom? What would you do if your students were not able to access the technology at home?

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